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Yves Klein: With The Void, Full Powers

Freaking gorgeous, this book
Designed in part by our friend Dante Hong Carlos who now designs at the Walker Art Center.   This is a purchase in our near future..

‘Yves Klein: With the Void, Full Powers’ is published to accompany the first major retrospective of the artist’s work in the United States in nearly 30 years. It includes examples from all of Klein’s major series, including his Anthropometries, Cosmogonies, fire paintings, planetary reliefs and blue monochromes, as well as selections of his lesser-known gold and pink monochromes, body and sponge reliefs, “air architecture” and immaterial works. Essays by curators Kerry Brougher and Philippe Vergne, Klein scholar Klaus Ottmann, art historian Kaira M. Caba?as and curatorial fellow Andria Hickey, as well as archival materials and translations of Klein’s published and unpublished writings, offer insights into the artist’s endeavors and process. Born in Nice, France, in 1928, Yves Klein created what he considered his first artwork when he signed the sky above Nice in 1947, making his earliest attempt to capture the immaterial. The artist carved out new aesthetic and theoretical territory based on his study of the mystical sect Rosicrucianism, philosophical and poetic investigations of space and science, and the practice of Judo, which he described as “the discovery of the human body in a spiritual space.”
Hirshhorn/ Walker Art Center, 2010; Hardcover, 352 pp.

yves klein: with the void full powers, book, walker art center, thelooksee

®seensaidheard, yves klein, walker art center, thelooksee

(second image ®seensaidheard)

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