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The Nut Tree

I just came across this post which took me to this post, which then totally took me down memory lane.  I grew up in Northern California and my dad was a pilot, so I grew up flying with my dad in small airplanes.  We’d fly to almost anywhere that had an airstrip, especially if there was cool, kid-friendly stuff within walking distance from the airport.  The Nut Tree in Vacaville was one- there was a little airstrip literally steps away.

It’s one destination I remember going on more than one occasion and loving- from these photos you can see why! Granted these photos were taken about twenty years before I went there, but honestly it hadn’t changed too much by the 80’s. These photos reflect my memories of the place. There was a restaurant, toy shop, sweets shop, a train, and the feeling like you were at playground for kids and grown-ups.  Sad that the original is not around anymore… people didn’t know what they were missing.

Thanks to Cathy for the reminder of this childhood favorite. Seriously, check out these photos to see exactly how awesome this place was.  I appreciate the modernism so much more now than I did then.

vacaville, the nut tree, kids, leisure, airplanes, fun, vintage, the look see

vacaville, the nut tree, kids, leisure, airplanes, fun, vintage, the look see

vacaville, the nut tree, kids, leisure, airplanes, fun, vintage, the look see

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