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Showdown: Urban Outfitters vs. Etsy

Ok.  I know that I post a lot of stuff from Urban Outfitters right here on this very blog.  But you also know that I love to hate them.  Today is no exception.  I am looking at their site, at the apartment section, and seeing reproductions of ceramics that my friends and I have, and thinking… you know what this is ridiculous.  Some of the vintage items they knock off are infuriating because if you spent like 10 more minutes looking on Etsy or Ebay, you could find a comparable or better deal on something that is actually vintage, and therefore something that will be more likely to retain its value.  As much as I am loathe to have more hipsters crowding out the thrift stores I go to, or snatching up cool vintage things on Etsy, I do want to prevent more crap from ending up in our landfills and I want to encourage people not to be so lazy.   Perhaps people are under the impression that vintage is more expensive, but you will see that simply isn’t true.

I am considering making this an ongoing section where I compare a selection of things that are currently available on Etsy to things that are currently available at Urban Outfitters.  In the “apartment” section in particular.   Please let me know what you think!

Anyway, here are a few from today:

Urban Outfitters– $48:


Found Vintage Style– $48:

found vintage style, drip german vases, vintage, ceramic, etsy, thelooksee

Urban Outfitters– $18:


Autumnal Always– $10:

autumn always, squirrel jar, vintage, etsy, thelooksee

Urban Outfitters– $16


Carnavore Cockatiel-$15

carnavore cockatiel, whale ashtray, vintage, etsy, thelooksee

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