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Malbuchgeschichten: Illustrated by Heinz Kiessling

I really want this book.  The title roughly translates to “Colouring Book Stories”.  It is about learning how to draw and has the most magnificent illustrations.

See this flickr set for more images.

Ilse Firbas / Malbuchgeschichten
Illustrated by Heinz Kiessling

malbuchgeschichten, book, drawing, modernist, surreal, heinz kiessling, illustration, book, vintage, thelooksee

malbuchgeschichten, book, drawing, modernist, surreal, heinz kiessling, illustration, book, vintage, thelooksee

malbuchgeschichten, book, drawing, modernist, surreal, heinz kiessling, illustration, book, vintage, thelooksee

malbuchgeschichten, book, drawing, modernist, surreal, heinz kiessling, illustration, book, vintage, thelooksee



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