Ian McDonald

Just discovered McDonald’s work and was really excited about it.  He is on staff at The San Francisco Art Institute, which makes me seriously want to take a class there! I am especially fond of the Wearing exhibit that was at the Rena Bransten gallery, perhaps because it appeals to the side of me that relates most things to adornment, something I am passionate about- these pieces definitely speak to that. The title of the exhibit is no coincidence. I genuinely find all of his archived work quite beautiful and well-crafted.

ian mcdonald, art, sculpture, ceramics, design, the look see

ian mcdonald, art, sculpture, ceramics, design, the look see

ian mcdonald, art, sculpture, ceramics, design, the look see

ian mcdonald, art, sculpture, ceramics, design, the look see

ian mcdonald, art, sculpture, ceramics, design, the look see

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