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Francisco Infante-Arana & Nonna Gorunova

This is by far the best work I’ve seen in a while.  Absolutely inspiring work from this husband and wife pair.  The photos are mostly of projects from the 70’s and 80’s, and I can think of a handful of artists making work right now that strives to look just like this, but not nearly as successfully executed.

Francisco Infante-Arana & Nonna Gorunova, art, photography, installation, sculpture, mirrors, nature, thelooksee

Francisco Infante-Arana & Nonna Gorunova, art, photography, installation, sculpture, mirrors, nature, thelooksee

Francisco Infante-Arana & Nonna Gorunova, art, photography, installation, sculpture, mirrors, nature, thelooksee

Francisco Infante-Arana & Nonna Gorunova, art, photography, installation, sculpture, mirrors, nature, thelooksee

Francisco Infante-Arana & Nonna Gorunova, art, photography, installation, sculpture, mirrors, nature, thelooksee

I wish I could post every single photo because these projects are just so amazing.  Look here for more.

(via here)

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