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I have been working in the glorious world of fashion for the past 3.5 years, in the women’s buying office of a major store in Los Angeles, and while I do work with some amazing folks, I am looking forward to the day when I will be quitting to pursue my own ventures! I feel the need to challenge myself creatively and otherwise. So, in a few months I will be quitting my job, and living in Hawaii for a month or so with my husband Seth, who is doing graphic design for Vans (for the Triple Crown of Surfing competition). After, and maybe even during that time I hope to begin making this blog an interesting culmination of all my interests, and hope to include features like: design (all types, but focusing on fashion, graphic, and interior), vintage finds, typography, food, favourites, etc. I’m going to try to avoid the blogger’s trap of reposting other people’s content, but I’m sure that it is bound to happen at some point.

My husband is the first artist I’d like to feature. Seth is an extremely talented graphic designer also known as Boli, or typenerd. You can see some of his work on his site. The fine Art Center education he paid oh so very much money for (!) gave him exquisite typography skills, and a keen eye for colour and composition. Below is a typographic treatment he did for the August issue of Wired Magazine.


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