Back from Europe

Just got back from Europe yesterday.  We were in England, Scotland, and The Netherlands, with a little day trip to Belgium.  We had a lot of fun walking around, hiking up millions of stairs, shopping, missing trains, catching trains, catching trains to the wrong places, hanging out with friends, taking photos, eating good food, drinking good cappuccinos, generally trying to avoid as much touristy stuff as possible with the exception of a few museums, and of course walking, walking, walking.  When people ask “how do Europeans stay so thin?” just think of how much thinner you’d be if you didn’t have a car.  I think we both lost about 5 lbs. each while we were there for just two weeks.  Sorry for the lack of posts, but I really hardly had any access to internet while overseas.

Thanks to readers, friends, and friends-of-friends for all of the great suggestions of things to do/see/eat.  They were super helpful.

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