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Arm in Arm by Remy Charlip, 1969

Arm in Arm

a collection of connections
endless tales
and other echolalia

by Remy Charlip

An absurd, beautiful, free-form, and frequently psychedelic children’s book I found at a thrift store the other day. Remy Charlip is a very interesting and talented jack-of-all-trades: a teacher, theater director, choreographer, costume and set designer, the head of the Children’s Literature and Theater department at Sarah Lawrence College, and founder of the New York Children’s Theater (to name a few).  I took some photos of the crazy layouts in this book but none of them turned out that great, so here are some cover and detail shots.

1969, arm in arm, remy charlip, book, the look see

1969, arm in arm, remy charlip, book, the look see

1969, arm in arm, remy charlip, book, the look see

1969, arm in arm, remy charlip, book, the look see

1969, arm in arm, remy charlip, book, the look see

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