Best blouse EVER

Rewatched “The Women” by George Cukor over the weekend (which you should definitely watch if you haven’t already), and gasped when this blouse came across the screen. I honestly don’t know how I forgot about it:

cukor, the women, costume, eyeball, blouse

I must recreate this.

Turtle Power


    Hey, remember when this happened? Never forget.

Drop City


A striking still from a new documentary about “Drop City“, a temporary artist’s community in Colorado during the late 1960’s.  It doesn’t look like there is a Los Angeles screening planned, but I hope to see this at some point!

Go See: Art & Leisure and Art & Leisure featuring Dante Carlos

London readers should check out this show, featuring the work of talented artist, typographer, and friend, Dante Carlos.



May 24-July 11

London Centre for Book Arts
Unit 18, Ground Floor
Britannia Works
Dace Road
London E3 2NQ

The Look See in Vogue UK!

I forgot to mention that I participated in an advertorial feature in Vogue UK, May 2013 which should be hitting newsstands about now! Blink and you might miss it, but I am very happy with the curation of it and was pleased to be asked.  Thanks to my talented friend Cara for quickly re-shooting it for me and making me look good! See #5!!

vogue uk, print, british, the look see, jewelry, jewellery, necklace, costume, drama

Eric Mistretta

eric mistretta, wig, spray paint, hair, island, art

The Best Is Yet To Come

(via here)

////////////\ CYBER MONDAY SALE!! /////////////\

Let’s Cyber.

Psssst… Use code LSCYBERMON2012 at check out tomorrow, 11/26/2012 -aka- **Cyber Monday to get free shipping internationally in the Look See Shop on any jewelry!


**I have extended my sale through Dec. 15th!! Keep shoppin’!

jewelry, the look see, etsy, handmade, glass, metals, cord,  leather, vintage, los angeles, looksee

The coolest little backpack

baby elephant bag, kids, accessories, backpack

In this great shop.
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Les Diners de Gala by Salvador Dalí 1973

The cover of Salvador Dalí’s 1973 cookbook.

salvador dali, cookbook, surrealist, art, cooking, the looksee

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