print category

Zachary Rossman: A Portrait of Stephen Hawking

Our friend Zachary has updated his site.
Also, thanks to Zach by way of Seth for this gem.

zachary rossman, portrait of stephen hawking, art, singularity, black hole, print, thelooksee

Enormous Champion towels

I have a serious addiction to kitchen towels: floursack, huck, linen… you name it.  I usually only buy vintage ones, but I am in love with these two by Enormous Champion at Heath Ceramics.

enormous champion, heath ceramics, towels, animals, thelooksee

enormous champion, heath ceramics, towels, animals, thelooksee

(via here)

The Very Best.

This is just one of those weeks where it seems like nothing is going well.

Although yesterday on the way to an appointment I was behind this sexy old Knudsen truck, which made me smile.  I’m amazed any of my “through-the-windshield” photos were even usable.

Enjoy the little things.


What a sweet shop.

shelf, shop, london, shopping, home, thelooksee

shelf, shop, london, shopping, home, thelooksee

shelf, shop, london, shopping, home, thelooksee

(via here)

Serpens by Guido Mocafico

No matter how you feel about reptiles, you can’t deny the beauty of these photos by Guido Mocafico of our serpentine friends.  The colours and patterns are phenomenal.

serpens, serpent, photos, reptile, snake, art, photo essay, book, thelooksee

serpens, serpent, photos, reptile, snake, art, photo essay, book, thelooksee

(via here)

Merry Christmas!

soviet, russia, aerospace, vintage, postcards, christmas, santa, thelooksee

soviet, russia, aerospace, vintage, postcards, christmas, santa, thelooksee

soviet, russia, aerospace, vintage, postcards, christmas, santa, thelooksee

soviet, russia, aerospace, vintage, postcards, christmas, santa, thelooksee

This is a great little repository of vintage Soviet holiday postcards!  Hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year.

Mociun + Lena Corwin 2010 calendar

I am not someone who is tempted to get a calendar, since I rarely use a physical calendar these days thanks to iCal and my phone, but I really like this one.  I guess if you think about the fact that a calendar can be a piece of art as much as any other thing on your walls, then this is really quite perfect.

mociun, corwin, calendar, 2010, poster, thelooksee

mociun, corwin, calendar, 2010, poster, thelooksee

Rifle Paper Co.

These were just too sweet not to repost.  A very lovely stationary company.  Sometimes there’s nothing wrong with an old-fashioned floral, you know what I mean?

rifle paper company, stationary, floral, print, thelooksee

rifle paper company, stationary, floral, print, thelooksee

rifle paper company, stationary, floral, print, thelooksee

rifle paper company, stationary, floral, print, thelooksee

(via here)


I love the detailed work of Ssin (pseudonym?)


(via here)

Vintage Miscellany





Various images I’ve collected from Etsy and around the internet for my own inspiration.  Usually I link out from photos, but these are things I’ve just found around Etsy and haven’t kept track of.  Mostly vintage items- quilt patterns, crochet patterns, cool things and just funny things.  I hope you find them inspiring as well!